
Numero Uno... Decisions Decisions Decisions...

You've got to start somewhere right? So here we are... it's quite literally the middle of June, the sun in shining (which has been somewhat of a rarity this season) and the sound of the keys clicking under my fingers is making me feel like I work at an airline ticket counter (or at least the Hollywood film version of an airline ticket counter).

In all honesty, after creating this blog I found myself at sort-of a loss for what to write about... That's probably something you don't hear too frequently, someone who creates a blog with the express desire of writing and then they create it and have no idea what to say... Well, here she is. I don't know exactly what kind of format this will eventually take but the way I figure, I will just start with what's on my mind and go from there...

As of late, (and I'm really only talking about the last 4 or 5 days) I keep getting taken back to the same place with a certain issue. The issue of the dreams and desires of my heart. Do I think this is coincidence? No. Do I think I need to learn something? Yes. Am I pretty sure I know what that lesson entails? Yes. Have I learned it yet? No. Why? Well, that's the difficult part to explain.

I have various dreams for my life and I've had them for as long as I can remember... some of the details have changed over the years but the integrity of the dreams has remained the same. What seems to be the constant thread that is tying everything together is that it's all in His timing. However, I think what is causing me to struggle with this particual lesson is that I honestly don't think that I've been pushing (in my own strength) for these dreams to come to pass... In fact, I was fairly certain that God and I had chatted about these issues and I had given them to Him. Either that isn't the case or He's trying to tell me something else that I'm not quite grasping. Either way, we're going around this mountain again...

If I were a betting individual, I would bet that this isn't atypical. I'd like to say it's just part of growing up but I have a sneaking suspicion that this kind of thing never really goes 100% away. God is always working with us and (as much as I HATE to say this) "There's always going to be another mountain". Today my mountain is my dreams... kinda feels like Everest... Maybe if I can muster the courage to really let them go I'll actually have the strenght to climb.

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